Increase your yields without spending too much! Investigating the release of organic nitrogen

Organic nitrogen release is a process where the soil receives a nitrogen “credit” through the activity of microbes. These microbes convert organic nitrogen contained in plant residues into a form that is available for subsequent crops.

It is the Haney test that can measure the amount of nitrogen that the microbes have converted and that is now available to plants.

But how do you calculate the amount of organic nitrogen available for the next crop?

Soil sample depth (cm) / 2.54 x 0.3 x Organic N release (ppm) x 1.121 = Kilograms of organic nitrogen per hectare available for the next crop.

Here are the calculations for better understanding:

For example, a soil sample at a depth of 0-15 cm with an organic nitrogen release of 30 ppm gives you 59.58 kg of nitrogen per hectare (15 / 2.54 x 0.3 x 30 x 1.121 = 59.58 kg/ha).

This information will help you understand your future fertiliser requirements.

It’s time to change the way you run your farm! Nature itself can provide much of what your plants need, you just need to learn how to use it.

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