Soil analysis
To determine the nutrient “potential” of your field, you need to conduct a soil analysis.
For example, knowing the acidity, you can choose crops that feel great on acidic soils.
Only a comprehensive soil analysis can provide reliable recommendations for fertiliser application to achieve the planned yields.
The analysis will help reduce the budget for the production of agricultural products.
Results of a comprehensive soil analysis with fertilizer recommendations in just 3 days!
Analysis of plants
Data from the analysis of plant material is used to understand which nutrients are in deficit.
Which elements exceed the optimal concentration required for normal plant growth.
Determination of the concentration of the main nutrient elements necessary for plant development.
In case of appearance of external signs of deficiency – determination of which nutrient element is in deficiency.
Monitoring the level of supply of plant nutrients to achieve the planned yield.
All selected samples are analyzed in the analytical laboratory Agrotest, Kyiv.
Precision farming
Agrotest provides agrochemical soil analysis for companies using precision farming technology on their fields.
A machine equipped with an automatic sampler with GPS-reference comes to the studied fields.
The machine drives around the field, drawing its contour in a special program.
Next, the program divides the analyzed field into plots of 1ha, 5ha, 10ha (depending on the customer’s wishes).
Each pickup is equipped with a tracking controller to track its route.