Analyze plants with professionals! New season with Agrotest!

We are glad to remind you that the season of analysis of plant material in Agrotest is in full swing!

  • In case of external signs of deficiency – find out which element is missing plant
  • Determine the level of nutrient availability to achieve the planned yield

In practice, in most cases, nutritional deficiencies occur due to:

  • Рoor farming culture
  • Non-compliance with soil analysis recommendations

Therefore, only an integrated approach, namely, soil analysis in the Agrotest laboratory after harvesting + obtaining recommendations from the Agrotest laboratory + fertilization according to the results of agrochemical analysis + sheet diagnostics = get the maximum yield with minimum costs.

We remind that in the sheet diagnosis, the sampling of plant material is very important for the correct interpretation of the analysis results. For maize in the germination phase, for the averaged sample from the site, you must select 30 plants and select everything above the soil, and in the panicle phase, select 20 plants and tear 1 leaf from each one near the head. Sampling the corn after the stigmas turn brown is not recommended. For soybeans, the most late stage for sampling is the flowering phase. Select 30 soybean plants on the site and select 2-3 fully developed trefoil from each plant. For wheat in the earing phase – a flag leaf with 30 plants. For more information on sampling of plants, you can always get by calling our laboratory!

Place the selected samples in paper envelopes or boxes, but in no case plastic containers and transfer to our laboratory as quickly as possible.

Plants that are mechanically damaged or damaged by insects, with various diseases, a pronounced nutritional deficiency over a long period of time, MUST NOT be included in the general representative sample for analysis.

If there is a site with visual symptoms of deficiency in your field, it is necessary to take a sample only from this site, and a separate comparison test – where there are no external signs of deficiency. Do not mix these samples!

Although, the analysis of plants does not give a definitive answer regarding mineral nutrition, it is and will be one of the main and useful tools leading to an increase in yield and quality of the products produced.

Our doors are open for you! Mon-Fri 09: 00-17: 00. Stolichnoe Highway 100, Kiev

In the new season with professionals! In the new season with Agrotest!

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